Rise of Private Cloud

. Friday, June 7, 2013
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Private Cloud Market Prediction:

There was a big acceleration in vendor investment in private cloud products and services in 2012

Many public cloud providers embraced private:  Amazon Web Services (AWS, the grand-daddy of IaaS) formed a partnership with Eucalyptus for an API-compatible private cloud, Rackspace announced its private OpenStack cloud initiative, VMware launched its vCloud Suite to provide an integrated cloud infrastructure, and OpenStack announced a wide array of distributions targeted at private cloud dollars


Based on TechTarget's Data Center and Readers' Choice Survey 2013 : who said they plan to deploy a private cloud within the next 12 months: 15.5% of the 627 total respondents said they planned a private cloud deployment in 2013, as opposed to 8.2% in 2012. Public cloud interest rose only slightly, from 4.1% to 4.5%.

 Private cloud market will rise from $7.8 billion in 2011 to $15.9 billion in 2020. – Forrester Research(2012)


Worldwide spending on hosted private cloud (HPC) services will be more than $24 billion in 2016. – IDC forecast.



Current Private Cloud in Market:

“VMware Shows Strength as Private Cloud Platform Provider”




Hosted Private Cloud: Eight most significant providers — CSC, GoGrid, Hexagrid Computing, Joyent, Rackspace, Savvis, SoftLayer Technologies, and Virtustream. (Front-Runners Are CSC And Rackspace)   –  As per Forrester (Q1, 2013) Report.

Check out Private Cloud Benefits Calculator ( Cisco ) - http://www.cisco.com/assets/sol/dc/cloud_benefits_calculator/step1.html?reset=1

Google Trends clearly shows out the change in trend of Private Cloud: