Google Compute Engine (GCE) is now generally available

. Monday, December 23, 2013
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Google Compute Engine is now generally available with a 99.95% monthly SLA and 24x7 support.

Google is also dropping its pricing – this time by a not insignificant 10% in all regions for the most popular compute instances and a whopping 60% in the case of persistent disk storage.
Added support for Red Hat, SUSE, FreeBSD, or any Linux variant you want, and introduced new 16-core instances.


  • High-performance virtual machines
  • Powered by Google’s global network
  • Pay for what you use (Really) 
  • Load balancing
  • Fast and easy provisioning
  • Compliance and security
Google Compute Engine offers many capabilities, including:
  • Create virtual machines with a variety of configurations
  • Maintain and store data in persistent block storage
  • Manage network access to your virtual machines
  • Use a variety of tools and OAuth 2.0 authentication to manage your virtual machines
Read more for details.