Kinvey - Mobile Cloud Backend-as-a-service

. Tuesday, February 11, 2014
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Kinvey (rhymes with "convey") is a Backend as a Service provider that makes it ridiculously easy for developers to setup, use and operate a cloud backend for their mobile apps.

Kinvey makes a fully-featured Backend as a Service solution, offering 3rd party data integrations, multi-platform support, push notifications, and custom business logic on a platform that allows developers to reduce dramatically the time and cost of bringing mobile apps to market. Offer editions designed for individual developers and enterprise developers alike..

Google & Kinvey Partnership:

Google is broadening its reach into the mobile app development world today through a partnership with Kinvey, which will provide an enterprise backend-as-a-service (BaaS) layer on top of Google App Engine. 

With Kinvey, Google App Engine will support iOS, Android and HTML 5.

Kinvey, which will integrate with Google’s new Mobile Backend Starter, a basic backend platform for Android apps, offers a set of features appealing to enterprise developers who need to integrate their organizations’ data and authentication systems into their mobile apps.

Ref: Techcrunch  &  Readwrite