IBM and Cloud Foundary

. Friday, August 30, 2013
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IBM and Pivotal to Accelerate Open Cloud Innovation with Cloud Foundry (Open PaaS) (24 Jul 2013)

  • Daniel Sabbah, general manager of Next Generation Platforms, IBM said. “IBM will incorporate Cloud Foundry into its open cloud architecture, and put its full support behind Cloud Foundry as an open and collaborative platform for cloud application development, as it has done historically for key technologies such as Linux and OpenStack.
  • One of IBM's goals, in fact, is for develop Cloud Foundry to run "in a more first-class way on OpenStack," said Diaz. "There's just no question, that's a priority for us."
  • IBM is also working with Pivotal to on the technology that enables programming languages or frameworks to be deployed on Cloud Foundry.
  • IBM and Pivotal will cohost a Cloud Foundry community conference this September in Santa Clara, Calif.

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